In the rapidly evolving digital age, the demand for robust data centers and Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) is growing exponentially. The building located at 200 E Capitol St., Jackson, MS 39201, presents a unique opportunity to establish a premier data center and IXP. This article delves into the reasons why this location is an ideal choice, encompassing aspects such as strategic positioning, infrastructure, power availability, connectivity, economic incentives, and more.

Strategic Location

Geographic Advantage

Jackson, Mississippi, is centrally located in the southern United States, making it a strategic point for data routing and distribution. Its central position offers low-latency connections to major metropolitan areas like Dallas, Atlanta, and New Orleans. This geographic advantage ensures efficient data transmission and optimal performance for users across the region.

Natural Disaster Risk

One of the key considerations for data center locations is the risk of natural disasters. Jackson, MS, is relatively free from the high risk of earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes that can plague other parts of the country. This stability reduces the likelihood of catastrophic events that could disrupt operations, providing a safer environment for critical data infrastructure.


Building Specifications

The building at 200 E Capitol St. is well-suited for conversion into a data center. It offers substantial square footage that can accommodate a large number of servers and networking equipment. The structure’s robust construction can support the heavy load of data center hardware, ensuring the building’s integrity over the long term.

Security Features

Security is paramount for data centers, and the building at 200 E Capitol St. offers excellent opportunities to implement advanced security measures. The facility can be equipped with state-of-the-art surveillance systems, biometric access controls, and robust physical barriers to protect against unauthorized access and potential threats.

Power Availability

High Power Capacity

One of the standout features of this location is its substantial power capacity. The building can be equipped with redundant power systems, including backup generators and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), to ensure continuous operation even during power outages. This high power availability is crucial for maintaining the uptime and reliability of data center services.

Renewable Energy Options

Mississippi has been making strides in renewable energy development, and Jackson is no exception. The potential to integrate renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power into the data center’s power grid can significantly reduce operating costs and the environmental impact. This sustainable approach aligns with the growing trend of green data centers.


Fiber Optic Network

Connectivity is the lifeblood of any data center and IXP. The building at 200 E Capitol St. is ideally positioned within Jackson’s extensive fiber optic network. Access to multiple high-speed internet service providers ensures redundancy and high bandwidth capacity, which are essential for data center operations and interconnections.

Proximity to Major Carriers

Jackson’s proximity to major telecommunications carriers provides an additional advantage. The ability to interconnect with leading carriers enhances the building’s appeal as an IXP, facilitating efficient data exchange and reducing latency for users and businesses.

Economic Incentives

State and Local Incentives

Mississippi offers a range of economic incentives aimed at attracting technology investments. These incentives include tax breaks, grants, and low-interest loans that can significantly reduce the initial capital expenditure required to establish a data center. The city of Jackson is also known for its business-friendly environment, providing additional support for new ventures.

Workforce Availability

Jackson boasts a skilled workforce with expertise in information technology and engineering. The presence of local universities and technical colleges ensures a steady supply of qualified professionals who can support the data center’s operations and growth. This talent pool is essential for maintaining high standards of service and innovation.

Environmental Considerations

Energy Efficiency

Modern data centers are increasingly focused on energy efficiency to reduce operational costs and environmental impact. The building at 200 E Capitol St. can be retrofitted with cutting-edge cooling systems, energy-efficient hardware, and intelligent power management solutions. These enhancements not only lower energy consumption but also contribute to the sustainability goals of potential clients.

Green Building Certification

Pursuing green building certifications, such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), can further enhance the building’s attractiveness. Such certifications demonstrate a commitment to environmental responsibility and can attract environmentally conscious clients looking for sustainable data center solutions.



As the demand for data continues to grow, scalability becomes a critical factor for data centers. The building at 200 E Capitol St. offers ample space for future expansion. Modular design approaches can be implemented to add capacity incrementally, ensuring that the facility can adapt to evolving technological needs without significant disruptions.

Technological Advancements

Investing in state-of-the-art technology is essential for maintaining a competitive edge. The facility can be equipped with the latest in server technology, networking equipment, and cybersecurity measures. Embracing advancements such as edge computing and artificial intelligence can further enhance the data center’s capabilities and appeal to a broader range of clients.

Community Impact

Economic Growth

Establishing a data center at 200 E Capitol St. will have a positive impact on the local economy. The construction and ongoing operations will create jobs, stimulate local businesses, and attract further investments in the area. This economic growth benefits the community by increasing the tax base and funding for public services.

Digital Transformation

By providing a state-of-the-art data center and IXP, Jackson can position itself as a leader in digital transformation. Local businesses and institutions will have access to improved connectivity and data services, fostering innovation and growth. This transformation can attract technology companies and startups, further boosting the region’s tech ecosystem.


The building at 200 E Capitol St., Jackson, MS 39201, is an ideal location for establishing a premier data center and Internet Exchange Point. Its strategic positioning, robust infrastructure, high power capacity, excellent connectivity, and economic incentives make it a compelling choice. Additionally, the potential for energy efficiency, scalability, and community impact further enhance its appeal. By leveraging these advantages, this location can become a cornerstone of the region’s digital infrastructure, driving growth and innovation for years to come.

Detailed Analysis

Building Specifications and Layout

The structural integrity and layout of the building are crucial for its suitability as a data center. The building at 200 E Capitol St. features a solid foundation and multiple floors, offering flexibility in designing data center spaces. The floor plans can be customized to include raised floors, which are essential for efficient cooling and cable management. The building’s design can also accommodate large loading docks and freight elevators, facilitating the movement of heavy equipment.

Cooling Systems

Effective cooling is vital for data center operations to prevent overheating and equipment failure. The building can be retrofitted with advanced cooling systems such as chilled water systems, air-cooled chillers, and direct liquid cooling. These systems ensure optimal temperature management, improving the longevity and performance of the hardware. Additionally, implementing hot and cold aisle containment strategies can enhance cooling efficiency and reduce energy consumption.

Power Redundancy and Management

Ensuring uninterrupted power supply is critical for data centers. The building’s electrical infrastructure can be upgraded to include dual power feeds, automatic transfer switches, and redundant UPS systems. These measures provide resilience against power outages and ensure continuous operations. Intelligent power management systems can be integrated to monitor and optimize power usage, further enhancing efficiency.

Network Infrastructure

The building’s proximity to major fiber optic routes is a significant advantage. High-speed internet connectivity is essential for data centers, and access to multiple ISPs ensures redundancy and competitive pricing. The facility can host network points of presence (PoPs) for major carriers, enhancing its role as an IXP. Advanced networking equipment, such as high-capacity routers and switches, can be deployed to support high-bandwidth applications and services.

Security Measures

Data centers require robust security to protect against physical and cyber threats. The building at 200 E Capitol St. can be equipped with multiple layers of security, including perimeter fencing, security personnel, and surveillance cameras. Biometric access controls and secure entry points can restrict access to authorized personnel only. Additionally, comprehensive cybersecurity measures, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security audits, can safeguard the data stored within the facility.

Economic Incentives and Financial Benefits

Mississippi offers various incentives to attract data center investments. These incentives can significantly reduce the costs associated with setting up and operating a data center. Potential incentives include sales tax exemptions on data center equipment, property tax abatements, and workforce training grants. These financial benefits make the building at 200 E Capitol St. an economically attractive option for data center developers and operators.

Community and Environmental Impact

Establishing a data center at this location can have far-reaching benefits for the community. The construction phase will create jobs for local contractors, engineers, and laborers. Once operational, the data center will require skilled IT professionals, network engineers, and facility managers, providing employment opportunities for the local workforce. The increased economic activity will benefit local businesses, from suppliers to service providers.

From an environmental perspective, integrating renewable energy sources and pursuing green building certifications demonstrate a commitment to sustainability. Energy-efficient operations and the use of renewable energy reduce the carbon footprint, aligning with global trends towards greener IT practices. This environmental responsibility can also enhance the data center’s reputation, attracting clients who prioritize sustainability.


The building at 200 E Capitol St., Jackson, MS 39201, stands out as an exceptional location for a data center and Internet Exchange Point. Its strategic advantages, coupled with robust infrastructure, high power availability, excellent connectivity, and economic incentives, make it a prime choice for data center development. The potential for scalability, energy efficiency, and positive community impact further underscores its suitability. By capitalizing on these strengths, the facility can become a pivotal player in the region’s digital landscape, driving technological advancement and economic growth.

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