In the world of cloud computing, OpenStack and Ceph are popular choices for building scalable and resilient cloud infrastructures. OpenStack provides the cloud management platform, while Ceph delivers distributed storage. When combined, they offer a powerful solution for organizations seeking to create private clouds or hybrid cloud environments. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of building an OpenStack and Ceph environment using dedicated servers.

Why Choose Dedicated Servers? offers high-performance dedicated servers that are ideal for building cloud infrastructure. With substantial power capacity, robust networking options, and excellent customer support, servers provide a reliable foundation for your OpenStack and Ceph deployment.

Key Benefits:

  • High Performance: servers are equipped with powerful CPUs, ample RAM, and fast storage options.
  • Scalability: Easily scale your infrastructure by adding more servers as your needs grow.
  • Reliability: With enterprise-grade hardware and robust network connectivity, you can count on high availability and minimal downtime.
  • Support: offers excellent technical support to assist you with your setup and maintenance.


Before we dive into the setup process, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Dedicated Servers: A minimum of three dedicated servers (more for larger deployments).
  • Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or CentOS 8 installed on all servers.
  • Network Configuration: Properly configured networking between the servers, including public and private IP addresses.

Step 1: Prepare Your Servers

  1. Update and Upgrade: Start by updating and upgrading the packages on all your servers.bashCopy codesudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  2. Install Necessary Packages: Install essential packages like Python, Ansible, and Git.bashCopy codesudo apt install python3-pip git ansible -y

Step 2: Deploy Ceph Storage Cluster

  1. Install Ceph Deployment Tool: Use the ceph-ansible playbook for deploying the Ceph cluster.bashCopy codegit clone cd ceph-ansible sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  2. Configure Inventory File: Create and configure the Ansible inventory file (hosts) to define your Ceph cluster nodes.iniCopy code[mons] ceph-mon1 ansible_host=<IP_ADDRESS> [osds] ceph-osd1 ansible_host=<IP_ADDRESS> ceph-osd2 ansible_host=<IP_ADDRESS> [mgrs] ceph-mgr1 ansible_host=<IP_ADDRESS>
  3. Deploy Ceph: Run the Ansible playbook to deploy Ceph.bashCopy codeansible-playbook site.yml -i hosts

Step 3: Deploy OpenStack

  1. Install OpenStack Deployment Tool: Use the openstack-ansible playbook for deploying OpenStack.bashCopy codegit clone cd openstack-ansible
  2. Configure OpenStack Inventory: Define your OpenStack environment in the inventory file.iniCopy code[all] openstack-controller ansible_host=<IP_ADDRESS> openstack-compute1 ansible_host=<IP_ADDRESS>
  3. Run the Playbook: Execute the Ansible playbook to deploy OpenStack.bashCopy codeansible-playbook -i inventory playbooks/openstack.yml

Step 4: Integrate Ceph with OpenStack

  1. Configure Ceph as a Backend: Update your OpenStack configuration to use Ceph as the storage backend for Glance, Cinder, and Nova.iniCopy code[glance] stores = rbd rbd_store_ceph_conf = /etc/ceph/ceph.conf rbd_store_user = glance
  2. Restart OpenStack Services: Restart the OpenStack services to apply the new configuration.bashCopy codesudo systemctl restart openstack-glance-api sudo systemctl restart openstack-cinder-api sudo systemctl restart openstack-nova-compute


Building an OpenStack and Ceph environment using dedicated servers provides a robust, scalable, and reliable cloud infrastructure. By following this guide, you can harness the power of OpenStack for cloud management and Ceph for distributed storage, enabling you to deliver high-performance cloud services to your users. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance,’s technical support team is always ready to help.

Happy building! – Your trusted partner in high-performance cloud infrastructure.

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