Colocation Services

Colocation to meet all of your hosting needs and requirments. We can provide 1U to 120,000+ sqft of space.
No need to shop around and explore other hosting providers when Cloudnium in Dallas, Texas can support your needs.

Colocation Options

We offer a multitude of options including 1U to Private suites and facilities. We are your one stop shop when it comes to your colocation needs. Stop searching and speak to a sales rep today and lets see how we can bring you in and get you online today. Future space coming soon to Fort Worth, Texas!

Bandwidth Needs

We offer amazing bandwidth and privders at our facilites. We can also bring any need providers to fit your networking needs. Ask us today and see who we have and what we can do for you. We can offer 1Gbps up to 100Gbps+

Project Info


1U to 120,000 sqft of space


1Amp to 300+MW of Power


100Mbps to Private IXP Exchange


Contact Us or Jump on Live Chat

Location Options

Currently we have available space in Dallas, Texas and Port Edwards, WI. We can soon provide space in our Next Gen Hyperscale location in Fort Worth, Texas.

1.2 Million Square Feet
1.2 Million Square Feet
300MW + of Power (On-site Substation)
300MW + of Power (On-site Substation)
20Tbps + of Bandwidth and Routes
20Tbps + of Bandwidth and Routes
Dallas, Texas - Colocation
Dallas, Texas - Colocation
Full Cabinets as low as $799.99/mo. and 1U colocation as low as $39.99/mo. Don't miss out when you could be saving and enjoying amazing uptime.
Dedicated Servers
Dedicated Servers
Come check out our premium Dedicated Servers with either Intel v4 processors or AMD Epyc processors. All of our servers have DDR4 and DDR5 Memory.
Dallas, Texas VPS Hosting
Dallas, Texas VPS Hosting
Our VPS start at $3.99/mo. and provide users with the best possible uptime and speed they desire. Have questions or need more? Contact us today.