To install Ceph using VPS offerings, follow these general steps. These steps assume you have some familiarity with managing VPS instances and basic Linux administration.


  1. Account: Ensure you have an active account with and have access to their VPS offerings.
  2. VPS Setup: Set up multiple VPS instances (at least three for a basic Ceph cluster) through Each VPS should have sufficient resources (CPU, RAM, Disk) based on Ceph’s requirements.
  3. Operating System: Install a supported Linux distribution (e.g., Ubuntu 20.04 LTS) on each VPS.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Set Up Initial VPS Instances

  1. Provision VPS Instances:
    • Log into your account.
    • Provision at least three VPS instances. For a basic setup, ensure each instance has:
      • Minimum 2 CPU cores
      • 2 GB RAM
      • 20 GB storage for the operating system
      • Additional storage for Ceph OSDs
  2. Access VPS Instances:
    • Access each VPS via SSH. Use the credentials provided by

Step 2: Install Ceph Prerequisites

  1. Update System Packages:shCopy codesudo apt update sudo apt upgrade -y
  2. Install Necessary Packages:shCopy codesudo apt install -y ntp ntpdate wget

Step 3: Deploy Ceph Using Cephadm

  1. Install cephadm:
    • On all nodes, run:shCopy codecurl --silent --remote-name --location chmod +x cephadm sudo mv cephadm /usr/local/bin/
  2. Bootstrap the Ceph Cluster:
    • Choose one node to be the initial monitor and manager. On this node, run:shCopy codesudo cephadm bootstrap --mon-ip <IP_OF_THIS_NODE>
    • Replace <IP_OF_THIS_NODE> with the actual IP address of the node.
  3. Add SSH Keys:
    • Copy the SSH key from the bootstrapped node to all other nodes:shCopy codesudo ceph cephadm generate-key sudo ceph cephadm get-pub-key > ~/ ssh-copy-id -f -i ~/ <user>@<other_node_ip>
    • Replace <user> and <other_node_ip> with the appropriate username and IP address of the other nodes.
  4. Add Hosts to the Cluster:
    • On the bootstrapped node, add the other nodes:shCopy codeceph orch host add <hostname> <ip_address>
    • Repeat this for each additional node.
  5. Deploy OSDs:
    • List available devices:shCopy codeceph orch device ls
    • Deploy OSDs to the devices:shCopy codeceph orch apply osd --all-available-devices

Step 4: Verify Cluster Health

  1. Check Cluster Status:shCopy codeceph -s
  2. Monitor Health:
    • Use the Ceph dashboard (if enabled) or command line tools to monitor cluster health and performance.

Additional Considerations

  • Networking: Ensure proper networking between all nodes. All Ceph nodes should be able to communicate with each other over the network.
  • Security: Consider setting up firewalls and securing SSH access to the nodes.
  • Monitoring: Set up monitoring tools to keep track of the cluster’s health and performance.


By following these steps, you should be able to set up a basic Ceph cluster using VPS offerings. For production use, consider further optimizations and configurations to ensure reliability, performance, and scalability. For more detailed information, refer to the official Ceph documentation.